Saturday, April 30, 2011

Cook Crook Technique: Blanching

I know I mentioned the brown butter asparagus in my brunch post, but I also promised I would share how I started blanching my vegetables, like asparagus before storing them for cooking. Thanks to Cooking Light's Most Common Mistakes feature, I will never have brown fresh veggies again! I have no idea why I am so late to this party, but I have to say, glad I decided to do this when I bought 3 pounds of beautiful asparagus!

Step 1: Start with a beautiful bunch of fresh veggies...
Step 2: Add veggies to a big pot of boiling salted water and cook for 2 minutes.
Step 3. Plunge the cooked vegetables into ice water. This is another case when my large pot with the insert was helpful. I just pulled the insert from the boiling water and plunged it into another stock pot I had filled with ice water!
That's a pretty green!
Step 4: Store! Gallon plastic freezer bags are always a must!
Not too hard right? So again, why did it take me so long to do this??

Thanks again Cooking Light!

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