Thursday, January 12, 2012

Steal of the Week: Kid-Tastic Pizzadillas

Now that I seem to have the monthly meal planning almost to a science, I am trying to work on developing a plan for lunches as well. This will prove to be a most daunting task in many respects, as both my husband and I work outside the home and have occasions where there will be impromptu lunch meetings, our son has his lunches included Monday thru Friday but needs lunch on the weekends and my 12 year-old step-daughter needs lunch at least once a week when she is with us and every other weekend. Whew! Writing that out it seems even more complicated!

I have already documented that often on weekends we do leftovers for lunch and my inability to cook small portions of anything also means there are meals in the freezer. But as we try to further improve our eating habits and I try not to bore myself or anyone else with a sandwich every day, I am trying out different ideas for lunch. I started small and simple with this recipe for Kid-tastic Pizzadillas from Cooking Light.

They only take a total of 15 minutes. I decided since I was packing them for work and school that instead of trying to send separate marinara, I was just going to sprinkle a little over the cheese and pepperoni. The key is not to use too much so there is no oozing. I used the whole wheat fat free tortillas and they worked great.

Once they cooled enough to handle, I cut them into wedges and packed them into reusable plastic sandwich containers. I popped mine int the fridge when I got to work and did a quick warm-up in the toaster oven at my office kitchen. My step-daughter kept them in her Pack-it lunch bag and just ate them out of the container. She thought they were great! of course me being me, I am dreaming up other fillings for me and the husband and letting the kids come up with ideas too. A fun and delicious way to start off trying lunch recipes! I will keep looking for new ideas but what do you do to keep lunches exciting and keep from eating out?

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