I had mentioned in my recent Cooking with Kids post that the Rachel Ray recipe
we used produced a lot of cheese sauce. I had already decided that the sauce would make for a great impromptu macaroni and cheese so that’s exactly what we did.
I reheated the sauce on low in a saucepan, adding a little more milk to thin it out. To the sauce I also added a teaspoon of red pepper flake, fresh ground pepper and about a teaspoon of garlic salt. Next, I boiled about ¾ of a box of whole wheat elbow-shaped pasta
to just al dente (about 1 minute less than the recommended cooking time).
After draining the pasta, I added it to a deep casserole dish that I had sprayed with cooking spray. I poured in the heated and melted cheese sauce and combined it well with the pasta. I topped it with whole wheat bread crumbs and put it in the oven for 15 minutes at 450 degrees.
» Would have liked to see it spooned out onto a plate. (It looks a bit dry resting in the dish.) ☺ I made M n C once with bread crumbs and found it adds nothing to the taste of the food, so have never added them since. «