Sunday, September 30, 2012

Crock-Pot French Toast: The Next Day

So, the Crock-Pot French Toast? This was what I woke up to the next morning. The house smelled like someone else was in my kitchen making French Toast (as if THAT would ever happen) and it looked delicious. The recipe (and others I found on a quick search just to be sure) said to take the lid off the last 15 minutes of cooking in order to brown the bread. THAT was a huge step although I don't doubt had I just scooped this into a bowl it would have been met with delight as well. However, the crisping did make it just like French toast out of the skillet.

The verdict from the family? Anything that my step-daughter says to make again is a keeper and hubby AND small son both gobbled it up. I couldn't resist serving it with bacon of course!
The original recipe linked to Pinterest is found HERE

You can follow my food and recipe board on Pinterest as well....I am always finding things that are interesting, inspirational and like this French toast, recipes I have to try. And as if there was a question, yes I have a bacon love page too!

Saturday, September 29, 2012

French Toast! In a Crock-Pot?

I just put this together. Pinterest strikes again! Trying out this French toast recipe made overnight in the slow cooker. I bought a beautiful loaf of raisin challah and I am crossing my fingers! If it works I will share recipe and link tomorrow !

Chicken Chili: It's What's for Breakfast

Those of you who know me outside this blog in "real life" know I have been fighting a cold/Captain Tripps-esque misery for a week. It is raining this morning and nothing sounded good except for my leftover chicken chili from Tuesday. So even with the shaking of my husband's head in the background, my breakfast was served. I think the jalapeño is helping my sinuses.

Friday, September 28, 2012

From a Freezer and Delicious

As a busy mom that also works outside the home, and goes to school, and writes food articles, I do use what the culinary world calls "convenience foods". Usually it is to fill the gap of a side or shorten prep time. I do NOT just buy anything however and one of my go to items from the freezer are the sweet potato items from Alexia foods. We have bought their regular sweet potato fries, spicy ones and waffle ones. Then we found the sweet potato nirvana: Sweet Potato Puffs.

I was skeptical at first of this tater toy looking orange puff. However the moment the smell hit the house and I popped one in my mouth, all doubts erased. We snacked on them tonight while introducing my youngest to Harry Potter. Relatively guilt free and delicious. I am considering not sharing with the kids anymore. Happy snacking!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Pizza. Yes, it is a food group.

Some days even the best home cook or chef eats out. Some of my best memories from childhood involve a dinner out just because. Now I am a mom and sometimes we eat out for the experience. Tonight was one of those nights. And there is no place we eat pizza except YNot. Tonight in fact it was the little man's request. Food is a memory. Wherever or whatever you eat make the memory a good one.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Maybe I am not done...

Funny thing about technology. It can be a blessing and a curse. In this case my choice to buy an actual "smartphone" may be what keeps this little blog going. That and support of great friends. Stay tuned!